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Student Clubs & Organizations
Student Government Association
Student Clubs & Organizations Directory
A.C.E. Technologies Club
- Larry Newcomb |
- Christopher Belch |
The purpose of the A.C.E. Technologies club is to broaden horizons of educating and learning in the HVACR, Construction Management, Electrical, and related industries in areas outside of the classroom. The club promotes integrity, responsibility, job placement, and continuing education for those in these career areas. All members are encouraged to succeed in their futures by the development of personal, workplace, and technical skills that are based on academics. Members challenge themselves through a spirited competition to showcase their learned abilities by being affiliated with SkillsUSA. The College provides the means for Club members to participate in showcasing their technical knowledge and abilities through contests against peers from regional, state, and national competitions. Members are to carry out the business of the club, always permit and encourage students of all ages and backgrounds, alumni and faculty alike, to participation in this organization.
Membership: All students that are enrolled in the Construction Technologies Group of programs (AHR, CMT, and ELC), past and present, shall always be welcome as members of this club.
Art & Design Club
- Carter Eggleston |
- Payton Brown |
The mission of Rowan-Cabarrus Art & Design Club is to promote an expanded view and appreciation of arts and culture through various activities, events, and performances. We seek to involve the entire Rowan-Cabarrus community in immersion and enjoyment of art, design, and creative expression as a vehicle for entertainment, education and advocacy. Activities, events and performances of the club include, but are not limited to, conducting and hosting workshops, producing student-directed exhibitions for the Rowan-Cabarrus community and the surrounding service area, sharing and building portfolios, visiting galleries, attending festivals and sponsoring professionals to come and speak on campus about careers in the Fine Arts.
Art & Design Club is open to any degree seeking student currently enrolled at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
Cabarrus Early College of Technology High School (CabTech)
- Victoria Powell |
- Victoria Alfaro |
The mission of the CabTech EC HS SGA shall be:
- To advance the unified voice of Cabarrus Tech by promoting democracy through leadership opportunities.
- To provide a means by which the principles of democracy and good citizenship may be learned and practiced.
- To promote the general welfare of the student body and the school.
- To join together the student body and the administration and serve as one represented voice.
- To promote the development of leadership skills among all association members and students.
- To provide opportunities which encourage community service and positive community impact by all students.
- To promote good relations between the Cabarrus Early College of Technology High School and other education institutions; primarily Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, and Cabarrus Kannapolis Early College High School.
- To create committees to promote student activities among the student body.
- To carry out fundraisers to support and fund schools functions and needs.
- All Members Shall hold office for one school year beginning with the first meeting of the newly elected Student Government which will be held the year following elections, with the exception of Freshmen Representatives.
- All members are expected to be a positive role model over all other students.
- To promote the general welfare of the student body and the school.
Caps & Crowns
- Amanda Belleville |
- Julie Helms |
Cabarrus-Kannapolis Early College High School Student Government Association (CKEC)
- Danielle Cook |
- Julia Signorelli |
The mission of the ECHS SGA shall be:
- To provide a means by which the principles of democracy and good citizenship may be learned and practiced.
- To promote the general welfare of the student body and the school.
- To join together the student body and the administration and serve as one represented voice.
- To promote the development of leadership skills among all association members and students.
- To provide opportunities which encourage community service and positive community impact by all students.
- To promote good relations between the Cabarrus Kannapolis Early College High School and other education institutions; primarily Rowan Cabarrus Community College, and Rowan Early College.
- To Create Committees to promote student activities among the student body.
- To carry out fundraisers to support and fund SGA and school functions.
Membership is open to all of the students of Cabarrus-Kannapolis Early College High School.
Criminal Justice Club
- F. Wayne Laney Jr. |
- Julia Signorelli |
The Rowan Cabarrus Community College Criminal Justice Association (CJA) is dedicated to supplementing our members’ academic and professional experience by providing opportunities to establish relationships between students, faculty, and alumni who share similar interests in the Criminal Justice field. Through a regular program of social activities, field trips, simulations, speakers, agency demonstrations, career fairs, and community service projects the CJA provides valuable opportunities for service and the development of leadership qualities.
Cosmetology Club
- Allison Ballard |
- Amanda Harris|
The purposes of this club are:
- To unite in a common bond without regard to race, sex, religion, creed, national origin or disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, full-time and part-time students enrolled in cosmetology classes.
- To provide leadership in the cosmetology program.
- To provide a core for information and activities in the cosmetology program.
- To provide internal and external recognition through an association based on professional ethics, technical skills, salon business techniques, and people skills.
- To provide a vehicle to work articulately with professionals, peers, staff, and vendors in the cosmetology industry.
- To develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocation, civic, recreational and social activities.
- To develop a deep respect for the dignity of work.
- To assist students in establishing realistic career goals.
- To help students attain a purposeful life.
- To create enthusiasm for learning.
- To promote high standards in all phases of cosmetology.
- To help students develop the ability to plan together, organize and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of the democratic process.
- To create among students, faculty, clients of the school and persons in the industry a sincere interest in leadership in the cosmetology field.
- To emphasize the importance of continuous education consistent to the needs of the individual and the requirements of the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts.
Membership shall consist of students enrolled in any of the cosmetic art disciplines and alumnus.
Equality Club
- Wade Vernon |
The purpose of the Equity Club is to create a safe, welcoming space for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning) and Straight Allies for all students on campus. The mission is to promote tolerance and equality among students of all sexual orientations and gender identities through educational efforts and awareness building.
Membership shall be open to all students paying an activity fee and is in good standing with the college.
Future Business Leaders of America Collegiate (FBLA)
- Chad Nichols |
- Cindy Trevisan |
FBLA Collegiate isn’t just another student group—it gives members that opportunity to learn, travel, and grow as a business professional. Employers are looking for students with cutting-edge skills. FBLA Collegiate gives members the chance to gain these skills and prepares them for the “real-world” after college. Set yourself apart from the average graduate! In today’s highly competitive business environment it takes more than just a degree to succeed. It requires business savvy, leadership skills, and technical knowledge. By taking advantage of the many programs that Phi Beta Lambda offers, students acquire the skills that will set them apart from the average graduate. They will be better prepared for careers, graduate school, and for life!
Membership is open to all post-secondary students.
Living In Faith Today (L.I.F.T.)
- Open
Mission: To be a Christ-centered group that will share the love of Christ through the Word of God, prayer, and service.
Our purpose promotes spiritual growth among Christians through the Word of God. Give spiritual support to those who desire. Be of good service to our campus and community.
Membership is open to all students paying a student activity fee, in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus, and have the desire to learn the Christian principles.
Males Empowerment Network (M.E.N.)
- Isaiah Foote |
- Howard Byrd |
The purpose of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College M.E.N. Club is to create a supportive relationship among minority male students. We strive to remove boundaries and develop clear direction through education, leadership, and encouragement. We challenge obstacles in order to excel personally, academically, and professionally. We promote campus involvement, guidance, and individual growth. We are a family of one that comes to lead and achieve.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus.
Minority Student Leadership Club (MSLC)
- Zhivi Williams |
- Diana Cruiz Monroy |
The Minority Student Leadership Club (MSLC) supports the educational and professional growth of students at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, promoting personal development, leadership and campus involvement for all students. The club provides opportunities for academic and career support, leadership and success coaching, with a focus on breaking down barriers to achievement. Members are encouraged to excel personally, academically and professionally through workshops covering such as leadership, stress management, job skills and wellness. The MSLC fosters a strong community where students are empowered to lead, achieve and grow as one family.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus.
Phi Theta Kappa
- Natela Yevloyeva |
- Abigail Reasso |
Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education. Membership in the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society will open new doors for your academic journey! The organization offers a myriad of opportunities for scholarships, intellectual enrichment, and personal development through programs based on the four hallmarks of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship.
Membership Invitation: Complete at least 12 hours of associate degree course work with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Part-time and full-time students are eligible.
Please visit the PTK International website and contact the advisor for more information on joining!
Radiography Club
- Kelly McGowan |
The purpose of the organization is to promote professionalism among student radiographers; to instill lifelong learning, professional development, and growth, and to serve as a vehicle to foster community service. The students will also learn to work together towards continuous improvement that benefits the radiography profession.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good academic and ethical standing within the Radiography curriculum and prospective students actively pursuing enrollment in the Radiography program and/or alumni of the Rowan-Cabarrus Radiography program.
Rowan County Early College High School Student Government Association (RCEC)
- Sarah Featherstone |
- Marian Schouweiler |
The purpose of the Student Government Association shall be to involve the students in the administrative process; to promote responsibility, respect, and empathy among students; to strive for unity in the school, and to provide a voice for our respectful and intelligent youth. A further purpose shall be to design and promote activities to support the student body and the community.
Membership is open to all of the students of Rowan County Early College High School.
Rotaract Club
- Open
The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus.
- Carl Smith |
- Thomas Atwell |
The purposes of this organization are:
- To assist local SkillsUSA members in their growth and development.
- To unite in a common bond without regard to race, sex, religion, creed, or national origin, full-time students enrolled in classes with vocational trade and industrial, technical occupations education objectives.
- To develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, vocational, civic, recreational, and social activities.
- To foster a deep respect for the dignity of work.
- To assist students in establishing realistic vocational goals.
- To help students attain a purposeful life.
- To create enthusiasm for learning.
- To promote high standards in all phases of occupational endeavors including trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship, and safety.
- To develop the ability of students to plan together, organize, and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of the democratic process.
- To foster a wholesome understanding of the functions of labor and management organizations, and a recognition of their mutual interdependence.
- To create among students, faculty members, patrons of the school, and persons in the industry a sincere interest in and esteem for trade, industrial, technical, and health occupations education.
- To develop patriotism through a knowledge of our nation’s heritage and the practice of democracy.
- To emphasize the importance of continuous education consistent with the needs of the individual and the requirements of his or her chosen occupation.
Membership in the Section shall be open to all students enrolled in automotive courses at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
Student Occupational Therapy Assistant
Student Nurses Association
- Phyllis Buie |
- Caryl Morgan |
The purpose is to assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education and influence the education process, to provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interest and concerns, and to aid in the development of the whole person, their professional role, and responsibility for the health care of people of all walks of life.
Membership is open to students currently enrolled in the Rowan-Cabarrus Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Student Government Association (SGA)
- Barb Meidl |
- Justin Knoll |
The SGA is responsible for governing all student club charters and activities. The SGA President serves as the students’ voice as a member of the Board of Trustees of the college. Further, SGA plans, implements, and evaluates all student activities. Student senators are responsible for the wise expenditure of YOUR student activity fees.
If you are interested in finding an active student group — join the SGA and become a voice for other students in your classes and program of study.
TriBeta (Beta, Beta, Beta) Club
- Kelli Furr |
- Denise Madrazo |
The name of this society shall be Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
The purpose of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society shall be to function as an honor society for students of the biological sciences.
Its goals shall be designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences.
The membership shall be divided into executive board and active members. Beta Beta Beta and Rowan Cabarrus Community College does not discriminate based on race, national origin, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, or disability.
Active members shall be:
- Shall be in good academic standing
- Have no misconducts with Rowan Cabarrus Community College
- Have taken or is currently taking Biology-111 or higher
- Hold the constitutionally specified chapter offices
- Shall represent the chapter and or vote at national conventions.
Veterans Club
- Open
The Veterans Club is a student club with the mission to support veterans and their family members. One of our goals is to make Rowan-Cabarrus more appealing to the veteran community, as a veteran-friendly school. We strive to represent our fellow student veterans and make a positive impact in our communities.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus.
The National Society of Leadership and Success
- Justin Knoll | or
The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is an organization dedicated to the development of student leaders. This program helps students achieve personal growth, identify career goals, hone their leadership skills, impact their communities positively, and turn ambitions into action.
Membership: Students are invited annually in fall based on their college GPA.
Women Obtaining Wisdom (W.O.W.)
- Amy Bartram |
The mission of the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College W.O.W. Club is to create a supportive relationship among female students. We promote campus involvement, guidance, and individual growth.
Membership is open to all students paying an activity fee and in good standing with Rowan-Cabarrus.